View From the Rooftop
Dear friends,
Every few days I go up on the unfinished roof of our new building at Clara Brown Commons and take in the view of our beautiful, beloved city. Yesterday I counted 14 construction cranes dotting the skyline—most of them representing new housing.
Thankfully there is consensus—among government, investors, charitable foundations, and people of good will—that the lack of affordable housing is a primary driver of poverty, homelessness, the breakdown of families and neighborhoods, and the social isolation that threatens mental health. We rejoice with each unit being built.
Most importantly, we must help reweave the fabric of community that makes the difference between an apartment and a home. Clara Brown Commons is a small but beautiful part of a movement we call “housing that heals,” with richly supportive programs on site.
Among the many special things about Clara Brown Commons: hundreds of individuals and families gave generously to bring this community into being—to the tune of $5 million. Such openheartedness! Joshua Station has also witnessed this truth for two decades: whenever we have a new opportunity to care for vulnerable neighbors, our friends demonstrate the overflowing love of God in their lives by giving.
During my last rooftop visit, I felt so overcome with gratitude, I fell to my knees. In the spot that will soon be covered with donated solar panels, I sang the Doxology at the top of my lungs. “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!”
Please mark your calendar for the Grand Opening of Clara Brown Commons on Friday, October 27. We’ll sing the doxology together!
Blessings and peace,
Jeff Johnsen
Executive Director