The Lame Summer Picnic – When Better Isn’t Best
True story legend from our Joshua Station lore…
Once upon a time, a generous volunteer family created a fabulous Christmas party for our Joshua Station families. Correctly assuming that many of our kids, moms, and dads—in their experience of homelessness—had never been invited to a lavish holiday dinner, they spared no expense or effort. Our community room positively gleamed with tableware, centerpieces, and lights. A piano was carried in for entertainment, servers sported top hats and gloves, and the room was decked with holly.
As the hour drew close, our staff grew nervous—on behalf of the volunteers. After all their effort, would our residents show up? Staff began knocking door-to-door, pleading with families to come. Some weren’t sure how they’d fit the scene, wondering if they had the right attire. Others came and enjoyed the food but didn’t linger.
Another time, a generous volunteer group planned a fabulous picnic for Joshua Station residents to kick off summer. Colorful flyers announced the event. As the hour drew near, our staff grew nervous. Had anybody heard from the volunteers lately? Nope. Disappointment sank in as families waited around and stomachs growled.
After a grocery store run for a few hot dogs, a most amazing thing happened: A dad brought ketchup packets from his room. Half-full bags of chips showed up. Soda pop, cookies, and cake emerged from resident rooms. Too much to eat!
Forever after, it was the best meal anyone could remember.
At Mile High Ministries we constantly ask the question: do our programs help people be stronger, more independent in their agency, and more interconnected icommunity? Or: weaker in their self-esteem and more dependent on others?
Invitation to Reflect: How empowering is our excellence in service? Who has the joy of giving? Whose effort is celebrated? Who are the heroes?
—Scott Dewey
* Scott Dewey and other staff share perspectives and practices of our work in the beautifully illustrated book Beyond Our Efforts: A Celebration of Denver Peacemaking (this piece on p. 120). Come by MHM for a FREE copy (encouraged!), or you may purchase from Amazon.