Seeking the Peace of the City Retreat – April 26th and 28th

“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.
Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
~ Jeremiah 29:7

Seeking the Peace of Our City Retreats are a series of one-day “urban immersion” retreats hosted by Mile High Ministries and Centering Way. Each retreat is built around around a key word – and related perspectives and practices – that represents how we have grown to think about life and ministry in our city.

Seeking the Peace retreats will combine reflective walks around a particular neighborhood, conversation about changes and trends in our city, and the practice of spiritual exercises chosen to help nurture attentiveness and wholeness in our lives as we “seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which God has brought us” (Jeremiah 29:7).

Learn more at

The next retreat will be offered twice in one week. You can choose Wednesday, April 26th or Friday, April 28th to join others in Denver’s Northside to explore the idea of the city as “playground.” Many of us have been trained to see the city as a battleground – the arena of conflict between good and evil, where everything becomes a win/lose proposition. To approach the city as a playground, we are asking if there is a deeper reality than “us versus them.”

Make plans to join us!

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