Help Us Spring Into Caring
Dear friends,
We’re excited to launch our annual Spring Into Caring generosity event! Can I share with you our particular situation this year, and invite your participation in giving? Our goal is to raise $100,000 by March 31.
Thankfully, we don’t often come to you with news that we are in financial struggle. That is a bit of the case this spring with Joshua Station, however.
We aren’t anxious; in fact, we are deeply trusting! As a team, we often reflect on the word abundance. It provides an asset-based lens for the way we do our work. We trust the abundance of giftedness already present within each one of our residents, waiting to be unleashed as they heal and grow in our programs. This is God’s good work, and theirs.
Our residents share their abundance at Joshua Station on a daily basis. Last week I shared just one story of the many ways their giftedness and care overflows with each other and with us.
I’m thinking about abundance at Joshua Station, as we face a situation of deficit in our budget this Spring. Individual giving has fallen off since the initial surges of COVID-19 (when donors really rallied!), and we lost a major foundation grant. In 2021 we made an investment in our staff salaries and benefits, weighted “from the bottom up,” because we felt it was important for our team in this time of rising costs.
Amid this year’s challenge, I’m trusting abundance is ready to be unleashed—in the Joshua Station kitchen and among our generous financial supporters.
Many of you fondly remember gathering for our annual Spring Theater fundraising events. Once again this year, pandemic uncertainties meant we weren’t able to undertake the advance planning and expense required for a live gathering. So once again this spring, can we trust a great “coming together” of hearts and wallets for the wonderful work that is Joshua Station?
There are many ways you support this community, finances being just one way. But if you’re able to give a generous gift now, it will have a timely impact.
Believe it or not, this is our 20th year of Joshua Station! In September we’ll host a big ol’ fun celebration at our place, and we hope to see you there. You’ll hear details. We have much to be grateful for together.
Blessings and peace,
Amy Jackson, MSW
Deputy Director, Mile High Ministries
Program Director, Joshua Station