Whole Lotta Pomp at Joshua Station
Down the staircase, each family came, to raucous cheers. In turn, each stepped to their individually-chosen walkup music, and then faced the beaming crowd of well-wishers.
Six families we couldn’t be prouder of! Each one has navigated a whole lotta circumstances to graduate from Joshua Station’s program. From the challenges that led to their homelessness, to making their way into our community life, to achievements such as GED, college graduation, and meaningful employment. Our residents typically stay two years, but special circumstances led some to be here longer. Each family is now moving into long-term stable home situations.
Each parent set ambitious life goals in our program, and each one worked a multifaceted plan. Nothing came easy. Each family is now ready for what’s next.
After receiving a diploma and gifts, each graduating – by turns – soaked up heartfelt affirmations from our staff and those gathered. Especially passionate and meaningful were the words from fellow residents.
“I didn’t have any sober friends before you. You made all the difference in my life, and I will love you forever.”
“You are an amazingly determined mother. I know how hard it is. You’re an absolute rockstar.”
“I can’t believe you finished college, with twin boys, in the pandemic. You’ll go far!”
“We understand each other. You were there for me at my lowest point.”
“I know I’ll always be able to depend on you, and you can depend on me, wherever you go.”
Big laughs and moist eyes gave way to sharing a yummy barbeque picnic. What a day!